Monthly cycle tracker
This chart enables you to track the key points in your monthly cycle (period and ovulation) and when your mood naturally changes in alignment with them.
By understanding your body's natural rhythms, you can embrace the days when you feel good / not so good, and safeguard against feeling overwhelmed by your hormones.
By recording your menstrual symptoms each month, you will begin to see patterns in your mood and wellbeing. This will help you to embrace and make the most of the good days, and support you through any darker days - they are part of the cycle and will pass soon.
A simple way to understand your monthly cycle is to view it like the seasons in the year.
Winter: menstruation (your period - when the lining of the uterus is released).
Spring: follicular phase (when your ovaries are getting ready to release an egg).
Summer: ovulatory phase (when the egg is released. If the egg meets a sperm, it will be fertilised).
Autumn: luteal phase (the lining of the uterus grows. If the egg has been fertilised, it will embed in this lining. If it has not been fertilised, the lining will be shed during menstruation/your period).

​The first day of your period signals the start of the cycle and an increase in the hormone oestrogen. Oestrogen brings feelings of positivity, energy, motivation and interest in the world. As oestrogen grows through this half of your cycle, it heralds an excellent time for getting jobs done, exercising and seeing friends.
Ovulation occurs midway through the month (about 14 days before the beginning of your next menstrual period) and brings a dip in oestrogen and increase in progesterone. This can mean changes to your emotions, energy, mood and outlook.
As you move towards the last week or so of your cycle, your body experiences a drastic decline in oestrogen and progesterone. This can leaven some women with what's called 'period fatigue' (lack of energy or increased tiredness before or during a period) and a many experience lower mood. As such, many women fear these weeks in their cycle, but he's where we can reframe our thinking...
This can in fact be very empowering time for women as we listen to the signs our body is giving us, take steps to recuperate and put ourselves first. Embracing these Autumn and Winter weeks, can help you to feel more in control of your body and mind. Below are some ways to help nourish and boost you during the autumn and winter seasons.
Spend time on your own or with people you love
Switch your phone to silent whenever you can
Have an early night
Do gentle exercise such as yoga or swimming
Soak in the bath
Meditate and breathwork
Spend time in nature
Eat foods that nourish your body
Limit caffeine, alcohol and sugars
Add our Organic Seed Cycle blends to your diet